In an interview with the JOTA PRO Tributos website, our partner Ana Cláudia Utumi talked about the consolidation of tax transactions in Brazil, an option for debtors who wish to regularize their situation before the tax authorities.

Among the positive changes made in 2022, Ana highlighted the use of tax losses, also considering the negative impact of the pandemic on companies. She pointed out that it is still necessary to give more flexibility to negotiators.

“It is also very important this issue of giving more freedom to the prosecutors and the IRS to evaluate the situation and on a case by case basis make the decision of what is best from the point of view of the public coffers,” she said.

Even though the novelties have facilitated the access and payment of tax transactions, Ana believes that other changes are still needed in the coming years. In her view, the government still needs to make new flexibilities in the models to give payment conditions to the taxpayer, such as paying the debt with goods.

“For example, I am a computer manufacturing company, suddenly it might be more worthwhile to settle my debt with the tax authorities by delivering computers than by delivering cash. This would be a point that has no specific provision today, but may be something interesting for the future,” he pointed out.

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