All the videos from the I International Congress on Tax Law panels, organised by the Instituto de Aplicação do Tributo (IAT), are now available at IAT’s YouTube channel. Our partner Ana Cláudia Utumi was a panelist in the event, which was held in May in the city of Trancoso, in the state of Bahia.

Ana took part in the panel on Income Tax Reform, chaired by Paulo Ayres Barreto. Alongsode then were Karem Jureidini Dias, Valter de Souza Lobato, Eduardo Maneira, Daniel Abrahham Loria, Rodrigo Dias, and Tacio Lacerda Gama.

The Congress brought together Tax professionals from all over the country and abroad, with the aim of exchanging experiences and promoting debate among participants from the private and public sectors.

Ana’s panel is available at:

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