Our partner Ana Cláudia Utumi is one of the scientific coordinators and also a lecturer in the International Tax Law Extension Course, which is held by the São Paulo Association of Tax Studies (APET) and has started this week.


Ana will teach classes on the application of treaties to avoid double taxation and also on the overview of the BEPS, its evolution and consequences. In the last meeting, she will also be a member of the closing table that will discuss other relevant international taxation topics.


The course aims to present the main concepts of international tax law, providing tools for professionals who deal with international business (lawyers, accountants, businessmen, among others) to understand the potential relevant tax impacts, in Brazil and abroad, both in the field of domestic legislation and in its combination with international agreements.


Ana Carolina Monguilod and Edison Carlos Fernandes share the scientific coordination with Ana, while Marcelo Magalhães Peixoto, APET’s founding president, is the general coordinator.


To learn more, access: https://apet.org.br/courses/curso-de-extensao-em-direito-tributario-internacional-turma-2-09-05-2022/

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