Our partner Ana Cláudia Akie Utumi participated in the VII Brazilian Congress of Current Tax Law.

The event took place between May 26 and 28, and addressed the topic “Consistency of decisions on tax matters in higher courts: material and procedural aspects”.

There were more than 80 panels and panelists, among them the minister of the Federal Supreme Court, Cármen Lúcia, and names of Brazilian tax law.

Ana Cláudia spoke about the STF rulings on exclusions from the PIS/COFINS tax bases, including the exclusion of ICMS and ISS.

Panel: STF rulings on tax matters and decision coherence: case analysis (contributions), with Priscila Faricelli (Moderator), Bruno Fajersztajn, Fernando Zilveti, João Bianco, Pedro Adamy and Ricardo Maitto

To see the complete program, please visit: congressoibdt.org.br


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