Our partner Ana Cláudia Utumi talked to journalist Roberto Nonato, from the CNN Manhã program, of CNN Brasil, about the Bill 3.825/2019, which brings guidelines for the regulation of the cryptocurrency market in Brazil, approved by the Commission of Economic Affairs of the Senate.

In the interview, Ana explained that the PL “comes to regulate the providers of cryptocurrency services, which are the intermediaries for trading, not the buyers of these assets. The idea is that by regulating the market agents, it will be possible to regulate the market itself.

However, “instead of assigning the regulation to entities that are efficient and experienced, i.e., the Central Bank or the Securities and Exchange Commission, it was left open and it ends up that it is the executive branch that will decide who will be the regulator,” she said.

Even so, Ana understands that “the regulation of new markets has a positive effect because it starts to have legislation.”

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