Today, May 26, at 5 pm, our partner Ana Cláudia Utumi will be a speaker at the session of the Permanent Corporate Tax Committee of ABAT – Associação Brasileira de Advocacia Tributária (the Brazilian Association of Tax Lawyers).

Ana will speak on Tax Planning in view of the Declaration of the Constitutionality of art. 116, sole paragraph, of the Brazilian Tax Code (CTN), by Brazil’s Supreme Court in the judgment of the ADI 2446/anti-avoidance rule.

Tatiana Midori, vice-president of the 1st Chamber of the 3rd Section of the Administrative Tax Appeals Council (CARF), and Valdirene Lopes Franhani and Grasiele de Carvalho Ribeiro Deon, respectively the Committee’s president and vice-president, will also take part in the session.

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