Today, November 17, Valor Econômico published an article by our partner Ana Cláudia Utumi entitled “PEC 45 and the enactment of part of the reform”.

In the text, she talks about the approvals of Proposed Amendment to the Constitution (PEC) No. 45 by the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, and about the changes proposed in the final text by the Senate, which will lead the PEC to a new vote in the Chamber.

According to her, the scenario could lead to the possibility of the National Congress enacting a constitutional amendment with only the part of PEC 45 that has already been approved and has not been amended.

In her view, however, the “slicing up” of PEC 45 “could imply a delay in the analysis of the important amendments proposed by the Senate, or even the risk that these amendments, with the exception of those relating to the Management Committee, will not be voted on by the Chamber of Deputies and, as a result, will never come into force”.

Read the full article:

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