Our partner Camila Abrunhosa Tapias coordinated, together with Ana Carolina Brasil Vasques and Francine Fachinello, the collective work “Tributário por Elas”, published by NSM Editora. 

Camila is also co-author with Alice Marinho of the article “Administrative litigation in the IBS Management Committee”.

The book is in the pre-sales phase and will be launched on the 22nd, at the event celebrating two years of the Women in Tax project, in the city of São Paulo (SP).

The book brings together articles by lawyers and tax specialists who are part of the Women in Tax project. The foreword was written by our partner Ana Cláudia Utumi and Mary Elbe Queiroz

To find out more about the book and to buy it, visit: https://lnkd.in/dhsNQVXK

To find out more about the Women in Taxation event, visit: https://www.instagram.com/mulheresnotributario/

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