Our partner Camila Tapias is the scientific coordinator of the extension course “Succession Planning: Family, Succession and Taxation”, run by the São Paulo Association of Tax Studies (APET).

Camila will also be teaching a class on domestic taxation and the tax aspects involving real estate in succession planning (ITBI). In addition, our partner Ana Cláudia Utumi will be teaching a class on complex case studies.

The course, which has Marcelo Magalhães Peixoto as general coordinator and Renato Vilela Faria as scientific coordinator, will have a hybrid approach. The intention is to study concepts and interpretation of civil, corporate and tax law, seeking to delve deeper into the taxation of succession and estate planning.

To find out more and to register, go to: https://apet.org.br/courses/curso-de-extensao-em-planejamento-sucessorio-patrimonial-familia-sucessao-e-tributacao-02-10-2023/

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