On September 13, at 4pm, our partner Camila Tapias will take part in a panel at the XXII Congress of Tax Law in Question, promoted by the Fundação Escola Superior de Direito Tributário (FESDT).

Camila is speaking on a panel discussing gender taxation and the tax system used to promote substantial equality. The panel is made up of Ana Claudia Borges de Oliveira, Francine Fachinello, Lana Borges and Suzy Gomes Hoffmann. Maria Dionne de Araujo Felipe will mediate.

On the 14th, there will also be an autograph session at the launch of the book Tributário por Elas, by NSM Editora, of which Camila is the coordinator alongside Ana Carolina Brasil Vasques and Francine Fachinello.

Camila is also co-author with Alice Marinho of the article “Administrative litigation in the IBS Management Committee”.

The book brings together articles by female lawyers and tax specialists who are part of the Women in Taxation project. The foreword was written by our partner Ana Cláudia Utumi and Mary Elbe Queiroz.

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