On December 22, Mulheres no Tributário projeto and JOTA website launched a ebook derived from the series of articles “A Reforma Tributária por Elas”, published by JOTA.

The book analyzes the impacts of the Brazilian tax reform enacted by Congress and also discusses aspects of the bill that had been proposed by the Senate.

Our partners Ana Claudia Utumi and Camila Tapias, together with our associate Ilse Salazar, published an article in the project that discusses the impacts of the Tax Reform on the services sector and the various challenges ahead.

According to the authors, “the Brazilian tax reform is seen as necessary to ensure the country’s fiscal sustainability and promote a more favorable business environment, but its impacts on the services sector in Brazil are complex and varied. It is therefore imperative that mechanisms are found to mitigate the negative impacts on the services sector, since it is an essential engine for economic growth and job creation in Brazil.”

According to them, the current scenario is one of expectation and caution, with the service sector awaiting the definitions that will come with the complementary laws and their unfolding in practice.

Download the ebook and check out the full article at the link:

A Reforma Tributária por Elas: baixe gratuitamente ebook que discute impactos das mudanças

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