Our partner Ana Cláudia is taking part in the IFA 2023 Congress in Cancun, Mexico. This is the 75th edition of the International Fiscal Association (IFA) event.

Ana will be the chair of seminar I, which takes place on October 26 and discusses the theme “International mobility and remote work: corporate tax implications”. The purpose of this panel is to examine the international tax implications, especially for multinational enterprises (MNE), to have personnel working at distance, having them relocated to other countries, or even directly hiring people that live in other countries as employees. 

The panel is made up of Sandra Benedetto (Chile), Karine Halimi-Guez (France), Victor Jaramillo (USA), Belema Obuoforido (IBFD), Juan Carlos Perez-Peña (OECD), Frank Pötgens (Netherlands) and Tom Roesser (USA). Doris Canen (Brazil) is the seminar’s secretary.

To find out more about the event and check out the full program, visit: https://www.ifa.nl/congresses/ifa-2023-cancun

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