Tomorrow, May 26th, our partner Ana Cláudia Utumi will participate in a live event held by the GEPT – Study Group on Tax Policy, which discusses MP No. 1.171/2023, its taxation of trusts and profits abroad.

The event will feature presentations by Daniel Loria, Director of the Extraordinary Secretariat for Tax Reform at the Ministry of Finance, and Leonardo Alvim, from the Office of the Attorney General of the National Treasury. 

As debaters, besides Ana, will be Thais de Barros Meira (BMA Advogados), Douglas Odorizzi (Dias de Souza Advogados Associados), Alessandro Amadeu da Fonseca (Mattos Filho) and Lucas de Lima Carvalho (Remote). Mitale Sampaio (Montgomery & Associados) will mediate. 

The webinar has the institutional support of Tax Real BR and the Latin American Tax Policy Forum (LATPF).

To watch the event live, please access the link:

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