On August 22, the event “Tax Reform by Them” took place, celebrating two years of Women in Taxation (MT) and attended by our partners Camila Tapias, the project’s executive director, and Ana Cláudia Utumi, its scientific coordinator.

Camila spoke at the opening table alongside MT co-founders Carolina Brasil and Francine Fachinello, Renata Emery and Clara Serva. Ana was one of the debaters at the first panel, which discussed the new consumer tax system and included Lina Santin, Priscila de Souza, Betina Grupenmacher and Gustavo Brigagão.

The event saw the launch of the book “Tax by Them”, published by NSM Editora, under the coordination of Camila, Ana Carolina Brasil Vasques and Francine Fachinello. The book brings together articles by tax specialists who are part of the Women in Tax project.

In addition to coordinating the book, Camila also co-authored the article “Administrative litigation in the IBS Management Committee” with Alice Marinho. Ana wrote the foreword with Mary Elbe Queiroz.

Finally, the provisional cover of the project’s second book was announced, will feature articles published by the project’s participants.


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