Our lawyer Ilse Andriotti published an article co-authored with Fabrício Aparecido Gomes Martins in the Revista Tributária e de Finanças Públicas (RTrib), v. 157 (31), of the Brazilian Academy of Tax Law (ABDT).

Entitled “Are there limits to the Judiciary in relation to the judgment on the updating of the FGTS in ADI 5090?”, the article looks at the limits of the Judiciary’s action in the judgment of Direct Action of Unconstitutionality (ADI) No. 5090, by the Federal Supreme Court (STF), and whether it is possible for it, based on the powers and attributions of the Judiciary, to analyze and resolve the discussion posed in the case, regarding the updating of the FGTS by the Reference Rate (TR). 

Read the full article in Portuguese: https://rtrib.abdt.org.br/index.php/rtfp/article/view/662/334

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